I just received a HDMI to VGA adapter that bought from Ebay. It doesn't cost much, only approx USD$6.60 include shipping. I hooked it up to my MacMini 2011 (on mountain lion) HDMI port, and VGA side hooked up to my Toshiba LCD TV VGA in port. While booting up the MacMini displayed in 1024x768 resolution.
And I was expecting a native screen resolution since my TV is 16:9 @ 720. So I went to display control panel and it only gives me 3 resolutions to choose from. Which is 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x720.
I selected 1280x720 but my tv doesn't displaying it at full resolution. My screen shifted to the left side and it couldn't display the whole desktop.
From the specs listed in Ebay shows that it could even push it to 1080p resolution with this VGA adapter. I have to get it test out with other monitor before I could confirm its capability.
After manage to get a 19" LCD monitor and test it out, and yes... there are more resolution settings in display control panel. It actually depends on your monitor which resolution it could support. But with high resolution on VGA is not a good choice. It does not produce super clear images.
And I was expecting a native screen resolution since my TV is 16:9 @ 720. So I went to display control panel and it only gives me 3 resolutions to choose from. Which is 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x720.
I selected 1280x720 but my tv doesn't displaying it at full resolution. My screen shifted to the left side and it couldn't display the whole desktop.
From the specs listed in Ebay shows that it could even push it to 1080p resolution with this VGA adapter. I have to get it test out with other monitor before I could confirm its capability.
After manage to get a 19" LCD monitor and test it out, and yes... there are more resolution settings in display control panel. It actually depends on your monitor which resolution it could support. But with high resolution on VGA is not a good choice. It does not produce super clear images.